Why look for answers where none occur

Sunday.  A day of rest.  Basically.  We did the usual – I walked, had breakfast, went swimming, I went shopping, then we decided to go to the movies.  We went to see In a World, which we both agreed was pretty terrific.  Quirky and funny, but also some great characters and a good heart.  Then home and dinner and, you guessed it, Dexter and some more episodes of Breaking Bad. I hate to predict, but I have a feeling I know where the story is heading.

Walter forwarded an article about a treatment for dizziness, and we tried it today.  No luck yet, but the article said that sometimes it takes multiple tries.  It contends that the dizziness is caused by Dislodged Ear Rocks that need to get settled back in their place.  I will forward this to the Doctor as well and see if there is a specialist to see.

Then the blog and the book.  Didn’t read much of the book because it was late.  Also, you may have noticed that we haven’t taken our evening walks for the past two days.  This is because, we really can’t walk in the heat of the day, and at the moment between when the sun goes behind the mountain and it sets is party-time for the mosquitoes and no-see-ems.  Very irritating.  We talked about getting up early, but I think that I couldn’t rouse David at 7 or 8 and that is what it would take.  This week’s schedule is pretty full with PT, Speech, etc, but the highlight is Dance with Caren Doll (Judy’s stand-in) tomorrow.  I will try to video tape some of that for your viewing pleasure.

So, tonight’s title for the blog has to do with David saying sorry to me a couple of times this evening.  He wasn’t saying sorry for anything specific that happened, he just looks at me every once in a while and says a general sorry.  I tell him he has nothing to be sorry about, but I appreciate the sympathy and (now this will give away the song to many) I have to say, while things are sometimes (maybe even most of the time) difficult, I am still grateful for all the good things that we have.