Will wonders never cease? It’s been a most peculiar day.

The other morning, on my way to the gym, I was listening to KPCC the local public radio station, and they made an announcement regarding a study that is being done at USC.  It is the DOSE study and they are looking for participants who have had a stroke and have trouble with one of their arms.  I called and talked to the coordinator, and she thinks that David is a great candidate.  My one concern was with the timing, but she said it will be fine to start in September after we are back from our travels.  The study is testing what the optimum amount of physical therapy is, and they provide therapy for three weeks spread out over three months, so we would have to spend about 4-5 days each month in LA, which could be nice.  The lowest amount of time is 5 hours a week, which is a lot more than he has been getting with the top amount at 30 hours, which may be overwhelming.  Hopefully David will be placed in the group somewhere in the middle, but, as it is random, we can just hope.  I am very excited by the prospect, but David, who still has some problems with time concepts, is concerned and confused about what it all entails.

Last night, I didn’t write the blog, but instead, I made the batter for pistachio ice cream.  Not sure what has gotten into me, but, I feel a bit obsessed.  The batter cooled overnight, and I made the ice cream this morning.  It is very good.  Very pistachio-ey.  Not a word, I know. On Wednesday, I made a terrific Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream, thanks to a bunch of recipes Kathleen sent.  I will be working my way through them and the lemons!   Also had my eye doctor appointment, and new prescription for glasses, and ordered new glasses on Friday.  I am in pretty desperate need.  The past few days have been pretty quiet because the stroke center was closed on Thursday for their monthly outing, and only tennis and the trainer yesterday.  Today, we relaxed by the pool in the morning, after a swim, and then Jennifer was here.  We also talked to Alex, Claire and Theo, which is always nice.  I was a bit out of it, because I wasn’t feeling so well.  It passed pretty quickly, which was good.

David hitting at tennis
David hitting at tennis