Wolf down the sandwich

Today was one of those days.  We did a lot, and I think I accomplished a lot, but not really sure.  The table is still covered with papers and the work seems insurmountable.  We do see an end to the Christmas Cards, and as Christina said to Mommie Dearest, I’ll get the cards out on time.  I wish I could say the same about the Thank You cards that I am still working on from our wedding a year and a half ago.  Emily Post would be ashamed of me. Well, ashamed or just downright angry.  I am just grateful that I don’t have Joan Crawford for a mother.

David had an appointment with his neurologist this morning, and it was an early appointment, so that was where the day started off on the wrong foot.  I didn’t get to take my walk.  I should have gotten up earlier, but didn’t.  Then we headed to the Stroke Recovery Center for some physical activity followed immediately by tennis for David.  He hit well.  He is also speaking better, or at least the words are coming out a bit faster and more clearly.  He still is not speaking spontaneously, much.  His favorite words are still “Please” and “Bad”, usually in that order.  Here is a typical conversation – Therapist says “David, you are doing so much better than the last time I saw you!”  David’s response is “Please, bad”

We have another day full of stuff tomorrow.  First, someone from a local home health aid company is coming to evaluate David and talk about their service, then Christmas at the Stroke Recovery Center and I have an appointment with a plumber.  Oh, the glamorous life I lead!!

We had a quiet night at home, and watched some TV, then read Time magazine about Pope Francis.  Now I have to find something to wrap and regift for the White Elephant Exchange tomorrow at the SRC.