You are my happiness

Fridays, as I said, are our busy days and today was no exception.  We were at Rusk at 9am, and had a good Speech Therapy session, except, Karen wanted be to be silent and have David work harder.  It was very difficult for me to hold my tongue, but I was successful.  Christina talked to David more about progressive education, and then we looked at a globe and David pointed out where kids he has had in school were from.  Then we went to Occupational Therapy, and did a lot of work on his shoulder.  We have some new exercises to do, but he wanted to pin Maneshka down on a date when he would get the use of his arm back.  He was a bit shocked and disappointed when she said she couldn’t make any promises, but talked in terms of years, not months.  She pointed out that unlike our legs, we don’t use our arms all the time.

Then home for Neurotherapy with Gail, and then back to Rusk for Physical Therapy.  David was getting impatient when Caroline was not meeting us outside at 2pm as scheduled, and we soon found out why. Peter, who we have worked with in the gym came and said that there was an emergency that Caroline was dealing with, and he would work with David.  It was a good session, but we discovered that Caroline’s patient just before David had a fall, and the EMT’s were there to look at him.  He seemed OK, but, a fall is a fall.  David is getting stronger and stronger with his walking and our first goal is by next weekend to walk to a local restaurant for dinner.

We got home a little before 4pm and had a great visit with Susan Willens, a good friend from DC.  I was lucky enough to be able to stay at her home while waiting to move into the house in DC when we first moved there in 1999.  She brought some great gifts, and I think David’s favorite is the “No” button that just says no in a variety of ways.  We also had a terrific gift from the “Gang at UNIS” which we will begin devouring tomorrow!  Thanks Susan, Sal and Armi – what a delightful surprise!

Tonight we watched Anna Karenina, and all I have to say is, this is the movie that Les Miserable should have been.  So sweeping, theatrical and well, musical.  I was really surprised at how much I liked it.  “You are my happiness” was a line in the film and David and I toasted to it.

Object number 68 was Shiva and Parvati Sculpture.  Another loving power couple!

One thought on “You are my happiness

  1. Had no idea until recently what you both are going through. Following along with the incredibly inspirational posts. Thanks for sharing.

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