You cannot run amok up here

All is well in Scott and David Land.  We had another relatively quiet day yesterday, but I went to bed early, and didn’t write the blog.  I had chorus rehearsal last night, and I came home a little agitated.  I won’t give any names, to protect the innocent (or not so innocent), but I think many of the members left a little agitated, or at least that is my impression from the conversations as we all left.  We have a guest conductor for one of the numbers, and the second half of the rehearsal we didn’t sing a note because we were going through the piece he is conducting and changed the words.  I don’t want to be critical, it’s not my style (as David would say), but, he should have just redone the music, and recopied it for everyone.  I don’t think that wasting the time was what really irritated me, but my guess is that he was an elementary school music teacher, and that is exactly how he talked to us.  There was actually a moment when he said – “I can wait until you have finished talking”.  There was a lot of grumbling.

The earlier part of the day went well.  Had Physical Therapy, but were abandoned by Blade and worked with Jeffrey.  I would say that we prefer Jeffrey, just to get a dig in, but, it simply isn’t true.  Jeffrey is fine, but he is no Blade.  On my walk yesterday, I took a slightly different route, and think that when David and I walk later today, we will head up to Ruth Hardy Park and walk around the park.  There is shade, and it is lovely.