You keep a lady on her toes, mister

As I said in the last post today we went to Huatulco for a lovely day relaxing on the beach.  There wasn’t much going on when we were there, but as we were heading back to the ship, things were beginning to pick up on shore and in the bay.  Lots of motoring on the water and the beach and water were filling up with folks from the area.  Most of the visitors from the ship dispersed on tours.  The town is pretty small and I think it is mostly visited by the local population, which I like better.  We had a bite to eat at the restaurant by the beach and of course had margaritas as well.  David complained about being a little tipsy as we were rolling down the dock and up the gangway to the ship.

Then we had a little cool down, shower and headed down to the atrium for a coffee followed by a game of Scrabble.  David let me win.  Then we did some speech exercises and will do some PT as well.  Just a lazy day in Mexico.

After we sailed and sat on the balcony for a while, we caught up with the news in the US.  Not meaning to be critical, but glad we are far away from Nevada!  Then we went to visit with our friends of Dorothy.  We were a little late, and when it was time to split up, we went to dinner with two of the other couples.  One from Las Vegas and the other from Sacramento.  I haven’t mentioned this, but one of the goals for David on the ship was to walk as much as possible. It has been kind of exhausting and sometimes a little difficult to maneuver around the masses of people.
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When we were on our way to the restaurant, the six of us got on an elevator, and  were then joined by a gentleman on one of the intervening floors.  We were all getting off before him, and as David was trying to navigate around him, he stepped on his foot and apologized, and then, as he was trying to get off, stepped on his foot again.  The guy said “a second time??!!” and David said “Sorry” again, and one of our table mates lit into him as we exited the elevator.  I am guessing that he didn’t see the cane and the difficulty with which he was trying to make his way around him.  I am always amazed at how unaware folks are to other people around them.  I am only hoping that this moment made him feel smaller that he actually was.

Otherwise a nice dinner and now back in the room and relaxed.