You twinkle above us, we twinkle below

Another uneventful day, which can be a good thing.  Walk, exercise, swimming, sunning.  Didn’t venture out of the house except for David’s walk in the afternoon.  The flies were pretty irritating.  So small that you wonder how they could be so annoying!  I took a long nap this afternoon, but David stayed up, and at the end of the evening, he was pleased that he hadn’t had to take a nap today.  Since the dizziness started, he has slept during the day quite a bit, but today he stayed up.

Tomorrow we begin trying to get into see the Doctor.  We also have Physical Therapy.  It is obvious that the weekend is over!  The town will get back to normal I think.  I also have the first rehearsal for the Gay Men’s Chorus, and I will at least be rehearsing with them for the fall, and I think performing in the winter concert.  The director seems to think that my missing about 7 rehearsals won’t be too bad.

Tonigh, we watched three episodes of Breaking Bad, and we are really enjoying it.  Then the blog and more of the book.  We heard about Mr Mason and Mr Dixon and their line and their lives.  Also found out about Mr. Cavendish who apparently leaves Sr. Isaac in the dust for weirdness.