Young Stroke Survivors Group

Tonight we were able to attend the Young Stroke Survivors Group at RUSK.  It was great to be there, and there were a wide variety of stages and disabilities represented, from folks who you would never know (one woman had her stroke in February, and has no noticeable handicap) to people who had severe impact and who have been in recovery for 4 years.  The discussion was interesting, but dealt mostly with returning to work – there was debate about how to deal with the missing four years on your resume and, do you have an obligation to tell a prospective employer that you had a stroke.

The day was glorious – 80 degrees, sunny and dry and I did a lot of walking – from home to RUSK to the dentist back home and then to RUSK again.  Not sure what the distance was, but I am sure it was a mile plus.  So nice to be out though, and Madison Square Park was packed from sidewalk to sidewalk!  We had Speech first thing, then the dentist, then home for a bite to eat, and a little rest.  Finally, in the afternoon we had Physical Therapy, and she did some more of the time tests, and David beat all the times from March 15 by two seconds each.  She was most pleased with the sitting to standing test, because his time puts David outside of the “fall range”, which means his risk of falling is diminished.  Good to hear.

Then we took a walk outside to waste some time before the group.  On our way home, we ran into Rose who was David’s Physical Therapist when we first got home from the Jewish Home.  She was very impressed with David’s progress, and very glad to see us.

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Here is the video that I promised of David’s arm movement.  It is amazing how a little cheesecake can motivate the arm to move!  He actually does this without the cheesecake, which, as you can hear, he doesn’t like too much.

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