Summer days drifting away

Well, not so much for us.  We just arrived last night in Palm Springs, and the summer here lasts much longer than most places.  Our trip home was great, and mostly uneventful.  We came very close to missing our connection in San Francisco.  The airline had been kind enough to make an alternate reservation for this morning, in case we missed our flight last night.  Fortunately, we just made it before they closed the doors.

Our visit in NY was great.  We saw a reading of a new musical by a good friend, which we both enjoyed very much.  It was called Long Ago Song.  A very interesting story with some great music.  I hope that it has legs, and gets produced somewhere.  That was Tuesday night, and on Wednesday we had lunch with Gwen, which was great.  So nice to catch up and share a meal.  Then we went to see A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder.  I am officially obsessed.  Such a funny and clever musical.  The performances were terrific all around.  It is also so refreshing to see a show that really relies on the music and actors rather than theatrics.  I guess you could say it is the anti-Spiderman.  It is very sad, but good for us, that tickets to the Tony award winning musical still has tickets available on the day of the performance.  Fourth row, center, at that.  I am sure they were house seats, and the house was pretty full, but I think the show has a very specific audience.  So good though, and if you have the chance, go and see it.

We had dinner with Françoise, Joe and Joy from Fieldston on Thursday at one of our old favorites, Artisanal.  For lunch on Thursday we went to meet Karen, David’s speech therapist from Rusk, but after waiting 10 minutes, I checked my email, and we were a day early.  David gave me a look that just said “typical!”  We met her the next day, and then went to visit Liat at the Hospital for Joint Diseases and got to say hi to York and Steph as well (Speech, Physical and Occupational therapists, repectively).  We also got to say hello to the great nurses who took such good care of David while he was there.  David remembered his room as well, and only shuddered a bit when we walked by!  While the folks were great, the memories were not so good.

We also had a visit from Lynda in the afternoon, and sadly missed Marjorie because of a hotel mix-up.  We followed up our busy day with dinner with Hatam, Narges and Maya.  A Persian feast followed by a lovely walk in Central Park.  We ended our visit in NYC with a delightful breakfast with Anthony, Michelle and Julie.  It was great to see them and at the end, we thought that the breakfast was a bit more like a group therapy session and promised to repeat it monthly!  If only we could.

Now, we are safe back in Palm Springs, and already I am feeling like life is easier.  As soon as we got off the plane, the warm soft air and the smell of flowers in the air were intoxicating and I felt like we were home again.  Not that Vermont isn’t home, but I didn’t get to put everything in order this summer, so hopefully next summer, it will be easier.  went to the movies to see The Hundred-Foot Journey, which we both liked a lot.  This week, I will work to get all our therapies back up and going and life will begin to have the same rhythm that we had last year.