You can spray her wherever you figure the streptococci lurk

I am sure I have used that one before.  Or maybe something similar.  Who knows, and it is too late to go back and look and make sure,  If it is a repeat, you will forgive me.  I hope.  This week has been eventful and uneventful all at the same time.  I was laid low in the early part of the week.  Streptococci.  I started having a sore throat, which is the usual course when my allergies start up.  Post nasal drip causes my throat to get sore and then infected, and on Tuesday, I thought I was going to die.  Fever, achy, you know, just miserable.  Even David felt sorry for me.  I am better now.

We have been enjoying The Roosevelts thoroughly.  Teddy was at once admirable and monstrous.  A little too much testosterone running through his veins, I think.  Franklin is amazing and Eleanor is spectacular, in my humble opinion.  She was so far ahead of her time, and I think there should be a movie made about her trip through New England with “Hick”.  It could be like a depression era Thelma and Louise.  Without the driving off the cliff at the end.  I hope I didn’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t see the movie.

I also had a conversation, not an interview, with the headhunter for one of the jobs that I submitted my resume for.  Sounds like it could be a good fit, but there are lots of logistics to think about.  David says I should go through the process and do what I think is best.  I would mean spending a lot of time apart, but, I need to begin putting a life together away from caregiving.  I will sit down and list the pros and cons and then do whatever I damn well please, right?  Fortunately, this one is on the west coast, so it is pretty doable.

We had speech group this week, which was fun, as usual.  David read much better than he has in the past, and the regulars all mentioned how they noticed an improvement.  The thanked them, but said that he didn’t believe them.  We also are continuing with SongShine and the director of that program called me on Sunday to make sure that David felt comfortable, which I thought was very nice.  I suggested that I sit in front of him, so he can follow my mouth for the words, which is what we are doing.

The furniture for outside by the pool arrived.  It was not fun to put together, and I kept saying to myself that the next time I order something like this, I should pay the extra $50 to have the white glove delivery where they put it together.  It did give me a certain “Teddy” feeling, and sense of accomplishment.  We had Donovan and Pam over to inaugurate the furniture.  Pam was on the cruise with us, and we have been looking for a time to get together.  We were supposed to go to a movie night on Tuesday that she invited us to, but, I was sick.