Where we two can go and try settlin’ down

A relatively quiet Sunday.  We got up, I took a run, then coffee and breakfast,  some sun and the pool.  It was in the mid 90’s today, so, for the desert, quite cool, but very nice.  David and I took a walk after getting ready for the day.  We drove to the wash and walked on the path that I often run on.  It was very nice.  Once home, I had to decide if I should go to the gym or take a hike.  I decided to take advantage of the cooler weather, and hiked for about two hours the trail at the end of Mesquite Rd.  Very lovely views, and once again, I should have taken pictures, but I didn’t.

When I got home, David was a little miffed that I was gone so long.  I finally figured out that he thought that I shouldn’t go off for so long on a Sunday.  That should be our day together.  He expressed an interest to coming to the softball practice this evening, and I was a little worried that he would be bored, so texted Donovan to see if he could come and drive David home if he had had enough.  I hadn’t heard from him by the time we left, so we drove to the fields and I settled David in with one of the other partners.  Donovan left a message and was going to come by and meet David at the park.

It was such a lovely night, and David seemed to be having a good time.  They left a little early, and I was a bit concerned when I got home and the door was locked (I had given my keys to Donovan) and no sign of David or Donovan.  I texted to find out if they had gone out for a frozen yogurt or something.  They drove up almost at the same time I finished texting.  They stopped for gas and a taco.  Not at the same place, I hope.

Softball is going well, and very glad to be doing it.  Oddly, it makes me feel happy.  Speaking of happy, tonight our pal, Julie Halston opened on Broadway in You Can’t Take it with You and the reviews, which I finished skimming a few minutes ago, are magnificent.  One of them said that James Earl Jones and Kristine Nielsen seemed to be waltzing through the show with Pharrell William’s “Happy” playing in their heads.  Julie was in rehearsal when we saw her before we left the east coast in NY, and she said it was a small part, but as usual, has made quite an impact!  I only wish we were there to see it because it sounds marvelous!  I particularly love to see a show where the actors seem to be having such a good time!