Less agitated, still irritable

I have added new features to the blog – Facebook, twitter and tumbler links – so the date in the title don’t work so well.  You know, all these postings are dated anyway, so, no more date.

Yesterday was a better day, with better communication.  David was great, and I got most of my calls returned – not all, but most.  We have Vocational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Social Work and the beginning of the Sleep Study done.  The outstanding ones are Occupational Therapy, Vision Therapy and Speech Therapy (at Rusk – he will continue seeing Siobhan on a limited basis).  We had a great visit with Sal Uy, and David was able to communicate his thoughts to him, and I think it was helpful.  He was a bit put off that Sal wouldn’t consider sending him on the UNIS reunion tour to Paris, London, Brussels and Geneva that is starting today!  He was joking, of course.

We had bloodwork done this morning and had an appointment with Dr Karp, David’s primary care doctor.  He apologized for having to look up David’s case and get up to date on what had happened to David.  I told him he had a stroke, and he asked why he had a stroke.  Fortunately, he got the file and got up to speed.  We talked about when we will look at taking David off Coumadin and the pain on his side.  Anyway, when we got home, did some exercise and speech, then I made chicken with lemons and capers.  Also got a call from Occupational Therapy, and they have a week to ten day wait list, so at least I know that we are on their register.

Now, I am hoping to get to bed a little early and maybe even sleep through the night!

2 thoughts on “Less agitated, still irritable

  1. Glad today was better. We miss you guys…can’t wait until summer. By the way, I made chicken with lemon and capers tonight too…but I used lemons from Palm Springs 🙂

  2. Scott, Thank you for the blog, the email, Facebook — all the ways you keep in touch, and keep all of us who love you and David informed. Mary Clute and I went for one of our walks in the park yesterday, to the tune of praise for you and hope for David. I am going to visit New York in the early Spring when I’ll come for time with my family, and, I hope, with you.
    I send big Edmund Burke love to David and to you.
    Susan Willens

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