Another mysterious guest, visit to Westchester and now – Miss America!

Yesterday we had a visit from a mystery guest.  You will just have to try to guess who it was. Nice visit and we talked a lot about the upcoming first leg of the Foreign Service Officer Quest – the written test.  I go on February 8th, and as luck would have it, the test center is three blocks away, so it will be nice to show up in my pajamas and slippers!  I have started studying a little, although it really is hard to study for because the test is pretty broad.  Will keep you posted on the progress as it happens.

We had a great FaceTime chat with Alex, Claire and Theo today, and then went out to get a Zipcar to drive up to Mt Vernon to visit Joy, who is still recovering from being very sick.  It was sooooo great to see her, and it had been too long.  We had a nice, long, quiet visit, and I hope we didn’t tire her out, but I think we left just at the right time.

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The drive up and home were easy, and as soon as we got home, ordered sushi, and sitting waiting for Miss America to start.  Thank goodness Joy knew about it, otherwise we might have missed it.  Here’s rooting for Miss California or Miss Vermont.  We would take Miss DC or New York as well.