Dentists and PT’s and Lawyers, Oh My!

Oh, what a busy day we had today!  Got out of the house at 9am and we didn’t return until a little after 4pm – and boy was it cold!  First, we went to LabCorp to get blood drawn.  Not just the INR, but other blood tests as well – just checking cholesterol, etc.  It is Actually good to be doing more routine tests, and a great sign of normalcy.  Then we went to NYU School of Dentistry, where David had a complete (with a capital C) exam.  I am supposed to go next week, but may have to change the appointment because of a conflict.  There were two students who did the initial exam – x-rays, etc, and then two of the teaching Dentists came in to look at what they found. They were fascinated by a scratch on David’s tongue – I had nothing to do with it, I swear!  he was in the chair for about two hours, which they warned us would happen, but I have to say, it was a thorough exam, and they will be very helpful with David’s oral hygiene going forward with suggestions in regards to flossing and brushing and any rinses he should use to compensate for not being able to use both hands.  We made a follow-up appointment next Thursday, and they have accepted him in the “special care” unit, which took a few additional signatures.  I am really glad we got that out of the way, although David was getting very impatient sitting in the chair.

By the time we finished at about 1:30, we called a car to go up to our 2pm Physical Therapy appointment at RUSK.  While waiting for the car I got a call from the Occupational Therapy department, and we are set for the intake evaluation next Friday.  So now, everything is in place.  We have OT on Mondays and Fridays, Speech on Tuesday and Friday (the Speech Therapist at RUSK has suggested we continue with Siobhan, because she thinks he could use three sessions a week, and they will coordinate) and PT and Gym on Tuesday and Friday.

So we had PT with a substitute, who was good.  Did standing and sitting and weight distribution and walking around the room.  I am always impressed with David’s stamina – the therapists always expect him to want to rest, but he just wants to keep on going.  Then he did the stationary bike again during the gym half hour.  He did want to stop after 12 minutes, but I assured him that the last time he did somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes, so he kept going for the additional 3 minutes.

After RUSK, we went to a lawyer to have new wills done.  I know we had something done when we moved to Washington, but that was a long time ago, and I actually have no idea who it was that did them.  The lawyer has been kind enough to offer to come to the apartment to sign them, when they are ready.

I felt a great sense of accomplishment when we got home, David went to bed for a nap and I ran to Home Depot to get a bulb for the light under the counter and something to fix the toilet paper holder in the bathroom.  Oh, the simple joys.

Now a little relax and off to bed.  Swimming in the morning!